Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Project Based Learning

Three important things I learned from the reading are that PBL's came from a strong foundation of strategies and doctors, they're framed with open-ended questions, and it puts teachers in the role of facilitator rather than classroom expert but the most important thing I learned is students are challenged to solve problems or do simulations that mimic real life and this allows them to require thinking outside of the box and learning hands on. 
*open ended questions*

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

UDL Book

WebQuest About WebQuest

The Altitudinist-  Higher level thinking is everything to you. There's too much emphasis on factual recall in schools today. The only justification for bringing technology into schools is if it opens up the possibility that students will have to analyze information, synthesize multiple perspectives, and take a stance on the merits of something. You also value sites that allow for some creative expression on the part of the learner.

___Efficiency Expert
   X  Altitudinist
Your Impressions
Grow School Greens
 Very thorough and explains a lot. Has 5 different jobs and requires students to work together through a long process to get the task done.

 Has a lot of steps and requirements for grades K-2 to do. The kids would probably lose interest after a short period of the project.

Where is My Hero?
 Good topic and allows them to interview a person and requires them to think outside the box. Steps are easy to follow and easy to understand.

 Students may not take it seriously and say their  hero is themselves, animal, etc. Some students may also not have people to interview.

Underground Railroad
 Allows students to think creatively and put themselves in other peoples shoes.

 12 steps is a lot for elementary school students to follow, they may lose interest.

Ice Cream

 Fun, easy experiment that takes a lot of thought and creativity. Making a flow chart about ice cream would be an easy way for students to practice flow charts.
 It doesn't require a lot of thinking or learning. It would be a fun activity but maybe not for English class.


Our group decided anonymously that the Ice Cream WebQuest and Where is my Hero WebQuest fit elementary school students the best. They were short, creative activities that went outside of the norm and allowed students to think outside of the box and have fun while thinking creatively. The Underground Railroad WebQuest was very time consuming and was over to long of a time period, I do not believe it was elementary age appropriate.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Power of WebQuests

Three important ideas/things from the reading today are webquests are 

  1. activities that can get students interacted, 
  2. there's different levels of support that can be added or removed to fit every child to help them learn, 
  3. webquests inspire students to see richer thematic relationships, 

but the most important thing I learned is that when teachers facilitate well designed webquests we all benefit from them because they gain in-process professional development. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Songs Carry Meaning

I Hope by Dixie Chicks.
This song mainly talks about peace and war and about children watching and repeating what their elders do. This is important in diversity because just like in the reading Precious Children, children not only repeat what you say and do but they feed off of it too. Being silent about diversity and encouraging kids not to talk about it just makes them think that it's unacceptable to be diverse and different, but it's not. The song is wanting better for their children, "they put their trust in us, they're gonna be like us," the lyrics say. According to the article Precious Children, "Remember what you do is as important as what you say." Adults have to show kids that diversity is a good thing and isn't a bad thing. Everyone is diverse in their own way, and without diversity the world wouldn't be the same. This is important in classrooms because as a teacher children follow your lead and do what you do. You have to be completely open to diversity and show children how to contrast the stereotypes and see diversity as creative, like it is.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Diversity In The Classroom

Diversity is a touchy subject for some people, it makes them uncomfortable and nervous just by talking about it, but we should be able to openly talk about diversity because it's a very important issue in today's world. Diversity in groups enhances creativity and performance. So therefore, it enhances creativity and performance in classrooms also. Studies prove that in large corporations and in small groups, diversity leads to greater performance. I believe diversity does the same thing in classrooms, enhances performance and creativity. It allows students to work better together and use their imagination. Diversity in classrooms is vital, for students and teachers. Teachers have to be open to diversity, just like students do because it allows for so many opportunities and rewards. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

How Diversity Makes Us Smarter

Three important ideas/things from the reading today are
  • even mentioning diversity can lead to anxiety and conflict, it's a touchy subject,
  • diversity enhances creativity,
  • and diversity can lead to enhanced financial performance,
but the most important thing I learned today is typically, in the presence of diversity people are more diligent and open-minded.

Valuing Diversity

Three important ideas/things from the reading today are
  1. diversity extends far beyond race and culture
  2. a metaphor for our country is a kaleidoscope because it keeps changing through interaction but maintains its basic characteristics
  3. valuing diversity recognizes that people are different and are okay with that

  • but the most important thing I learned today is that prejudices are dangerous because if people are not aware of it and if steps are not taken to correct it, it can lead to discrimination, even at a young age.
Diversity is very important for teachers because if a teacher does not support diversity then she isn't truly a teacher. You can't be racist, or discriminate against any students as a teacher because you have to be there for each and every one of them, no matter what!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Reading Instruction For All Students

Three important ideas/things for the reading today are:

  • there's a decline in reading among young adults
  • teachers need to engage and motivate their students to read
  • students of all ages need to be prepared to read complex texts effectively 

But the most important thing I learned from the reading is that reading research shows that educational policy needs to include professional development opportunities that enable teachers to match instructional approaches to diverse student needs. Every student learns and reads differently.

One way my UDL book might support reading instruction for all students is because UDL's read the words to the students to ensure proper pronunciation and then I could ask them to think aloud while reading, this could also help the students.

Reading: Reading Instruction For All Students

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Creating Digital Authors

Three important ideas/things I learned from the reading today are students usually play online games at school, they have very limited access to technology at home and at school, and teachers need to go beyond online games and basic word processor to teach students’ technologically, but the most important thing I learned from the reading is that technology had a positive effect on students’ writing process and final products.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Journal- Where I Am From

I was born in Falls Church, Virginia. I grew up in multiple different cities and houses but my true home was in Fairmont, WV at age 9. I consider Fairmont my hometown because all of my family is from here and I was always connected to it even when I didn't live here. My home in Fairmont overlooks the Tygart River and is my favorite view and scenery. While standing in our living room you can see the train tracks on the other side of the river, boat docks everywhere, and the river flowing Northward. The view from my house triggers so many memories and childhood feelings, it's my favorite view!

Growing up it was just my dad, mom, sister, and I. Along with us four we had two dogs that were a huge impact in my childhood. Although there were only four of us, we always had our neighbors who became like grandparents to me and my family members near by. My grandma's house was one of my favorite places to go as a child. All of my aunts and uncles and cousins always gathered together at grandmas house on holidays and it was and still is my favorite family tradition. Being with my whole family brings me more joy then anything else.

My mom, aunt, and uncles grew up in the same house my grandma still lives in today. I love hearing stories about which kid had which room and how they always fought over who had to share rooms. My mom lived in that house until she got married at age 17 to my dad. This is another one of my favorite stories. My parents dated for a couple years and after my mom graduated high school they decided to get married. My dad was living in Virginia while my mom was still in Fairmont so getting married was a way for them to finally be together, They got married, she was 17, he was 23. After being married for four years they decided to have a kid, and that's when my sister was born. 5 years later I came along.

Not only is my family amazing but my town is also. Fairmont is it's own unique little town. It's a little town where everybody knows everybody. Where everyone wants their local pepperoni rolls or Muriale's Italian food. Where high school sports are a huge competition, especially the legendary East-West rivalry. Fairmont is my home and always will be, it's unique in every way, shape, and form. 

From the boat during summer!

Most recent family photo taken over spring break at Folly Beach, SC.
 From my backyard during Winter.
 My dog Carson on the boat.

 Blackwater Falls, WV weekend trip during fall.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Where I Am From Poem

I am from the hills of West Virginia, from summer, winter, fall, and spring. From the flow of the river  across the way, dirt on my hands from always being outdoors. From my parents hearts and souls and my sister's support. I am from the house over looking the Tygart River, the sounds of trains roaring through the trees, and the sound of boats speeding on the river. From the smell of home cooked Italian food coming from Muriale's. I am from gold medalist winner Mary Lou Retton's hometown, where Nick Saban grew up. From "home of the original pepperoni rolls" or as we know it, Country Club Bakery. I am from Fairmont.

I am from grandma's homemade cookies and pepperoni rolls, from her wisdom and guidance, from her love and support and laughter. Holidays at grandmas house are what I live for, everyone fits perfectly. I am from my Aunt spreading God's word, from my Uncles' humor and wisdom, and from my mom's sensitivity. From the memories made in grandma's one bathroom house where we all gather that I will never forget.

I am from "sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you." From my father's tough love and support. His love for sports and hard headedness. I am from my mother's sensitivity and emotions, from her big heart. From "treat others how you want to be treated." I am from the most amazing parents and family in the world. From their young love that people thought would never work to their everlasting love that will never end. From screaming and fighting with my sister to hugging and 'I love yous.' From always bickering but always making up and being stronger.

I am from weekend road trips growing up. From softball tournaments and soccer championships far away. From our yearly beach trip that we can't live without. From traditions and values that will never be replaced. From working in our little yard on the weekends just for an excuse to be outside. Summers that we wish would last forever on the little Tygart River, one of the only rivers that flow North. From laying on the boat for hours thanking God for the beautiful life we have. 

I am from West Virginia, not Northern Virginia or part of Virginia, from our own state that bleeds blue and gold. From mountaineer fans that never give up no matter how bad our sports teams are doing. From that old East-West rivalry that will never die down. From a place so homely that you will never want to leave. Home is where my heart is, where it will always be. I am from the most beautiful place on Earth.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Teachers are Designers

Teaching is closely related to designing because they both involve problem solving and is action based. Teaching is all about finding solutions and planning. Designers design whatever their profession is and teachers design a way of learning for their students. People may not realize but these professions are very closely connected.

It is important for teachers to use UDL's (Universal Design for Learning) because it helps diverse learners to eliminate barriers that are keeping them from learning. UDL's can be used in a classroom for a short story, for goals, instructions, and assignments. There's 3 principles of UDL: recognition or the "what" of learning, strategic or the "how" of learning, and affective learning which is the "why" of learning. 

I vaguely remember being a student and learning so much in one day but never comprehending it all. Teachers would teach in their preferred way and not think about how we perceived it or took it in. Students have to know what they're learning 100% or school is pointless. And in my own experience I feel as if most of my school experience was a waste because some teachers didn't do their job in teaching students recognition of learning. 

Strategic learning to me is one of the best things teachers these days do. In my high school career teachers always went over the form of an essay or how to organize your thoughts. No, they did not always give enough information or the right information but most of the time I strategically knew what I was doing academically. One of the most important duties of an elementary teacher is to teach students how to express themselves. Expressing yourself falls into the strategic, or "how" of learning. I feel that I am good at expressing myself and speaking up thanks to teachers I had at an early age. A person has to know how to communicate and tell others how they feel, expressing yourself is a very important learning aspect to have. 

And finally, affective learning. Affective learning seems hard to do because you have to keep students engaged and motivated to learn. This learning principle of UDL is probably one of the most important ones because a child will not learn if they aren't interested in the activity. This is where teaching is a lot like designing because you have to design lessons that are engaging for your students and make sure almost every child is interested in learning it. Being challenged to complete an activity and do good was one of the ways I liked learning and did good in learning. I loved when my teachers presented me with something new to learn or a fun assignment because I was determined to do my best and learn something new. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wikipedia vs. Textbooks

The point to this post is to prove to readers why Wikipedia is not as bad as they believe it to be... We all have heard the rumor that anybody can change anything on Wikipedia but that is actually not true. I used to think Wikipedia was an unreliable source too, until exploring all I did below: 

In the Wikipedia common craft video: Three important ideas/things from the video are, all Wikipedia material has to be presented fairly and is completely unbiased, there’s not a limit to the number of topics it can cover, and the most important thing from the video is the goal of Wikipedia is to provide everyone one the planet with knowledge

In a U.S History Textbook the Wounded Knee Massacre is presented simple, makes it sound stupid and simplifies it. The textbook gives no actual definition to the Wounded Knee Massacre and said it was in Arizona on December 28th which is false. 

In the Wikipedia article Wounded Knee Massacre  it said it was in Lakota Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Wikipedia gives Prelude, eyewitness accounts, aftermath, and much more. Gives amount of men, women, and children killed/ wounded. The website talks about the 2001 National Congress of American Indians and is up to date unlike the textbook.

  • When exploring the Wikipedia website I went to “Scope” where it welcomes indigenous people of all races to the page and thanks them for their help in “improving the diversity of Wikipedia coverage.” Under “Progress update on our articles” it says there are 16,900 pages in the project of Wikiproject Indigenous peoples of North America. It is up to date as of today.
  • The “talk” tab on Wikipedia takes you behind the scenes where people are giving sources and information about the topic. As I read through I saw stuff highlighted and crossed out by the people in charge of the page. They crossed out and deleted the sources and people that were not reliable.  
  • Scroll all the way down and you will find the "Medals of Honor" tab. A Medal of Honor is the highest award you can get in the army. Native American activists have urged that the people who got medals during Wounded Knee Massacre get their medals taken away. 20 people were awarded medals for the “short and one sided battle.” "According to Lakota tribesman William Thunder Hawk, 'The Medal of Honor is meant to reward soldiers who act heroically. But at Wounded Knee, they didn't show heroism; they showed cruelty.'" This information is very in depth and very informing, it is also cited to the Website where it was found! 
  • The users who created the Wounded Knee Massacre page are Sdgjake, Piratedan, and V8m8i. Sdgjake is from South Dakota and edits mostly South Dakota related articles. He majored in Computer Science then got bachelor of science. Piratedan has a bachelor of arts in history, and a master of arts in European history. V8m8i  is a military historian colonel in US Army. All of these users that created the pageare very well educated and have the qualifications to be writing about the Wounded Knee Massacre and editing it. I trust their answers and facts because of the sources and their qualifications and experience.
  • The “talk” buttons beside of the three users shows the behind the scene action and comments between the user and people wanting to add information to the page. All three users were very polite and had appropriate replies to all the people. They gave specific reasoning to why the source wouldn’t be used in the articles and how to fix that. They reply to every person who contacts them and are very good with forming their replies.
  • The page on the Wounded Knee Massacre really does not have any obvious bias. "Edward S. Godfrey; Captain; commanded Co. D of the Seventh Cavalry:
  • "I know the men did not aim deliberately and they were greatly excited. I don't believe they saw their sights. They fired rapidly but it seemed to me only a few seconds till there was not a living thing before us; warriors, squaws, children, ponies, and dogs ... went down before that unaimed fire."[28] (Godfrey was a Lieutenant in Captain Benteen's force during the Battle of the Little Bighorn)[29]" This is an eyewitness quote, I like this one because he was understanding and polite of the shooters despite all of the circumstances. He offers alternate points of view and is not biassed. If this quote in the article would have said, "The man meant to aim and killed everything on purpose, I hate him." Then, that would of been biassed opinion on the Wounded Knee Massacre Page, but overall the page was not biassed and it took a look from both sides of the Massacre. 

In the article Wikipedia As Trusted Source for Ebola these three quotes prove that Wikipedia is a reliable source of information.

  1. “The 300 or so core editors of Wikipedia’s medical articles tend to be highly educated, Dr. Heilman said. A recent survey, he said, found that half of that core group work as, or are studying to be, health care providers and 85 percent have completed college.”
  2. “The initial skepticism about Wikipedia was mainly structural: how could you trust an article in an “encyclopedia that anyone can edit?” The growing confidence in the site — certainly when it comes to public health articles — in part reflects the fact that much of Wikipedia is not edited by just “anyone.””
  3. “Many impediments exist to someone casually editing the Ebola article. Only registered Wikipedia editors with at least some experience are permitted to edit the page, and the requirement for sourcing is much more rigorous than for other Wikipedia entries. Newspaper articles, for example, do not cut it.”

I believe Wikipedia is a way more trustable source than any textbook created by a publisher. Students need to learn and textbooks obviously aren't the best way for that to happen. According to A Textbook Example of What's Wrong with Education in fact there's not an actual author of these textbooks, textbooks don't even follow state guidelines, and finally, "Every adoption state allows private citizens to review textbooks and raise objections. Publishers must respond to these objections at open hearings." That means that pretty much anyone can request for something to be in the textbooks. Textbook companies and publishers do everything they can to make money, they don't truly care about what is in them or what students are learning. Textbooks in some classrooms are the only way students learn and their only source of information. Teachers shouldn't be teaching with solely textbooks since they aren't a good source. In the article No Books, No Problem: Teaching Without a Text  teaching has no need for books, if a child is truly learning they're probably not using books. The author, Geoff Ruth says, "While some textbooks are excellent, most bore my students and frustrate me... Without a textbook, I can create curriculum that engages students by relating science to their everyday lives." Although, Ruth does recommend that first year teachers don't decide to ditch the textbook until the get use to the criteria and to teaching. Teaching without a textbook is possible and although it is probably tough to find other tools to teach with it is best for the students. Wikipedia for a trusted source of Ebola proves that Wikipedia is in fact a very informative and helpful sites that covers all topics. In the article doctors and other well educated people discuss how reliable and well informed WIkipedia is about Ebola and other medical aspects. Educated peoples and doctors are the ones that run the web pages on Wikipedia and the requiring of sources does not even allow newspaper articles, there are very strict guidelines they have to follow on Wikipedia. So, in my opinion teachers should slowly start teaching without a textbook and teaching through other fun and creative technological sources. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Amplifying Human Potential

Computers, along with all other technology, have completely revolutionized the way people learn. A computer allows students to be creative and have fun learning while providing them with the skills they will need for their entire lives.
All technology allows students to be creative but computers give people the opportunity to do just about anything. Websites like Picasso Pic Art allows students to express themselves through art and come up with things they probably never would’ve without a little help. Even things like online video games can help a child become more creative. Students can now beat levels and achieve their goals on video games while they’re learning. It’s even possible for a kid to build his or her own video game now, which takes an extreme amount of creativity. Not only are there many websites that bring out a student’s creativity, but anything is better then sitting at a desk writing things down while a teacher is lecturing. Computers give students a break throughout the day and are actually something they want to use. The opportunities on computers are endless.

Thankfully, there are some great websites that provoke learning through fun games. No matter what the subject, there is a website or game out there that makes a student use their brains and think without students even knowing. Whether it’s an online game that makes you answer a math question to level up, or a video lecturing students on a certain subject. It’s the 21st century, student’s love learning in any way other than textbooks and lecturing. The computer gives that opportunity, to learn while having fun and a child will definitely learn better if they are engaged and active in something they truly enjoy.
When children today become adults they will have different lives than previous children. When children now become adults they will have different jobs, some we may have never even heard of, like a web developer or a computer network architect. Computers and technology are what they will need for their whole lives and careers. All children will need to know how to use technology efficiently, so it’s important they use this technology when they’re young. Computers are something students will need, throughout their lives, and it’s the teacher’s job to teach them computer skills at an early age. This will ensure a successful future in whatever high tech job they may pursue.
Computers have completely changed the world and amplified human potential in every way, shape, and form. People don’t realize how important computers are because, even a few years ago, they weren’t as vital as they are today. Computers are children’s future, a fun and creative way to learn, that teaches skills a child will need for their entire life. It is up to teachers to incorporate the efficient and intellectual machine into the classroom to help students eventually pursue what they want to.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Learning Styles Don't Exist

Professional's Views

Professor Willingham stated in the video Learning Styles Don't Exist that,"90% of people believe there's learning styles," because there's not been a lot of research on it, people just believe that there are learning styles and that everyone learns differently. Learning styles are the way you think about something and learn it. Anybody can learn in any of the 3 ways, auditory, visually, or kinesthetic. Some people do have a better memory visually then others, but that doesn't mean teachers should only teach in that learning style. Teachers ultimately want students to learn based on meaning. The prediction is that people with a good visual memory will always learn better visually is not true because some things you have to visually see when learning them like the shape of a state, you can't auditory learn what the shape of a state looks like. Basically, teachers don't need to adjust their teaching to an individuals learning style. 

Howard Gardner of the Multiple Intelligence Theory said that multiple intelligence was made to document the different strengths human beings have. Teaching in one certain way isn't fair because one child may be learning while the rest don't learn like that and are confused. We teach way to many subjects and material. Gardner thinks schools needs to change into few priorities instead of students having knowledge "a mile long but only an inch deep."  A change in education is what we need he says; people have to see examples where new kinds of education actually works and have enough good examples. Teachers have to believe in it and really want to educate where children are at the center of learning. Show everyone that this style of learning is working. Political commitment that this is the new education.

My Views

Overall, my views on Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligence Theory is that even though some students do learn differently, teachers cannot always teach a student separately or teach the same material in all 3 different styles to fit every single student. We teachers have to learn how to add all learning styles into one to better our students. The style I prefer learning in is hands-on. I like to see objects, hold them, and feel them. This is the way I learn and memorize material best but I can also learn in other styles, I just prefer more of a hands-on style. Does this mean when I become a teacher I'll only teach in this style? Of course not. When doing activities with students all you simply have to do is combine all three methods. For example, if you're learning about rocks and minerals you can tell them about it (auditory), then show a short clip on minerals (visual), then pass around actual rocks and minerals for them to feel (kinesthetic). Technology also can help a student learn in their preferred style. There's different apps, features, and websites that allow a student to explore and discover how they learn best. Whether it's through pictures, or sounds on a computer, or virtual field trips, and microscopes, you can do just about anything through technology. Ultimately though,  "the best ways to reach students will always come down to a teacher's experienced intuition combined with her knowledge of each student."

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Our Brains on Video Games

My thoughts on video games before research:

I believe video games have no direct correlation with making a person smarter or not. I do think video games take some skills and teach children things like reaction time and hand and eye coordination and goal setting. After sitting in front of a TV or computer screen for a while the video games could harm a child and cause inappropriate thoughts, for example wanting to shoot someone or developing anger problems. So, video games are good for children to a certain extent but after sitting inside in front of a screen for a certain amount of time a child needs to put the video games down and do something a little more productive.


My thoughts on video games after research: 

After watching a video about gaming I learned that video games improve academic achievements and raise IQ's. Games are engaging and motivating. Gaming gives children positive reinforcement when they make it to the next level, win, or do good. Instead of being opposed to games we should get into the games with our kids and stop fighting the game trend. My thoughts previously about games bringing violence into children's life and it teaching them bad things has changed a little bit. Violent games do not make kids violent; if they are exposed to violence in their lives then play violent games it may bring the violence out inside of them. Although, in general violent games will not make a child violent or want to go out and kill people.

Overall, I believe that video games do not directly make an individual smarter. I do think video games have some good qualities and can better an individual but I do not necessarily think schools should teach students through video games. Video games in classrooms on occasion are a great thing and students would definitely love it but not teaching only through video games. I believe this because video games can be distracting and can cause kids to become glued to a tv/ computer screen. From personal experience I know that games are distracting and when you're in the middle of a game there's not much else you want to do other than keep playing it. A problem with video games in the 21st century is that children are choosing to stay inside playing games instead of wanting to go outside and play. The more people play video games the less they might want to have a real life and the more they'll want to stay in front of the screen. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Is Texting Making Us Bad Writers?

My stance on Texting:

Many people wonder if texting affects our writing, does it? When writing a paper or speaking we are aware of our surroundings and aware that we are not texting, therefore we do not say things like "LOL" aloud, we simply laugh. When texting, people shorten sentences and phrases mainly because they can, that's the point of texting. Texting is informal and not important, it is simply a quick and easy way of communicating. Unless you are out of it and not fully paying attention when writing then you will not actually write how you text. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe that children or teens should have their phones in their hands 24/7 but I do believe there's some great qualities of texting and that it helps one express themselves. Look at the little girl shown above, do you see the joy in her eyes? That's what technology and texting does for children, brings new and fun ways of learning into their life. It doesn't make them bad writers it makes them normal children in the 21st century and that is it. Below are some good and bad facts about texting that was stated in the article Can Texting Help with Spelling.

Did you know that:

  • The average American teen texts 130 times a day? 
  • Texting helps students read. A British study Published in the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning found a positive correlation between texting and literacy, concluding that texting was "actually driving the development of phonological awareness and reading skill in children" 
  • Students change how they spell according to the circumstance and their audience. Meaning they know when to abbreviate words and use slang and when to properly write. 
  • The Oxford English Dictionary added "OMG" last year?

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Integrating Technology Into the Classroom

About Me:

Hi guys, I'm Kimberly Woods, but you can call me Kimmy. I'm from Fairmont and now attending Fairmont State University. I am pursuing a career in Elementary Education and can't wait for the day I have a whole class full of little 1st or 2nd graders!

Teachers should use technology to support learning in schools as a fun and alternative way of learning. Each child learns differently, and technology makes it possible for every child to learn and memorize things in their own way. According to Education Needs a Digital Upgrade, "As Ms. Davidson puts it: 'Pundits may be asking if the internet is bad for children's mental development, but the better question is whether the form of learning and knowledge-making we are instilling in our children's future is useful to their future.'" I would have to agree, the world is changing and jobs are evolving. Students need to start learning through applications on ipads, through educational films that keep them interested, with power points, smart boards, and on the Web. Children can only sit in their seats reading textbooks and learning definitions for so long. If we really want them to succeed and to learn then we need to present them with ways of learning that they will look forward to and be excited about. 

Love this video. Teaching is about more than children learning to read and write. It's about them learning everyday things that they'll use for the rest of their lives. 

I believe anybody is capable of doing anything. As a future educator I will make sure my students know they can do anything if they put their minds to it! "Aim for the Stars" 

Some people do not agree with the new era of technology and learning. Here's a good article on some different opinions about 21st Century Learning.