Tuesday, April 28, 2015

WebQuest About WebQuest

The Altitudinist-  Higher level thinking is everything to you. There's too much emphasis on factual recall in schools today. The only justification for bringing technology into schools is if it opens up the possibility that students will have to analyze information, synthesize multiple perspectives, and take a stance on the merits of something. You also value sites that allow for some creative expression on the part of the learner.

___Efficiency Expert
   X  Altitudinist
Your Impressions
Grow School Greens
 Very thorough and explains a lot. Has 5 different jobs and requires students to work together through a long process to get the task done.

 Has a lot of steps and requirements for grades K-2 to do. The kids would probably lose interest after a short period of the project.

Where is My Hero?
 Good topic and allows them to interview a person and requires them to think outside the box. Steps are easy to follow and easy to understand.

 Students may not take it seriously and say their  hero is themselves, animal, etc. Some students may also not have people to interview.

Underground Railroad
 Allows students to think creatively and put themselves in other peoples shoes.

 12 steps is a lot for elementary school students to follow, they may lose interest.

Ice Cream

 Fun, easy experiment that takes a lot of thought and creativity. Making a flow chart about ice cream would be an easy way for students to practice flow charts.
 It doesn't require a lot of thinking or learning. It would be a fun activity but maybe not for English class.


Our group decided anonymously that the Ice Cream WebQuest and Where is my Hero WebQuest fit elementary school students the best. They were short, creative activities that went outside of the norm and allowed students to think outside of the box and have fun while thinking creatively. The Underground Railroad WebQuest was very time consuming and was over to long of a time period, I do not believe it was elementary age appropriate.

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