Monday, April 20, 2015

Songs Carry Meaning

I Hope by Dixie Chicks.
This song mainly talks about peace and war and about children watching and repeating what their elders do. This is important in diversity because just like in the reading Precious Children, children not only repeat what you say and do but they feed off of it too. Being silent about diversity and encouraging kids not to talk about it just makes them think that it's unacceptable to be diverse and different, but it's not. The song is wanting better for their children, "they put their trust in us, they're gonna be like us," the lyrics say. According to the article Precious Children, "Remember what you do is as important as what you say." Adults have to show kids that diversity is a good thing and isn't a bad thing. Everyone is diverse in their own way, and without diversity the world wouldn't be the same. This is important in classrooms because as a teacher children follow your lead and do what you do. You have to be completely open to diversity and show children how to contrast the stereotypes and see diversity as creative, like it is.

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