Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Valuing Diversity

Three important ideas/things from the reading today are
  1. diversity extends far beyond race and culture
  2. a metaphor for our country is a kaleidoscope because it keeps changing through interaction but maintains its basic characteristics
  3. valuing diversity recognizes that people are different and are okay with that

  • but the most important thing I learned today is that prejudices are dangerous because if people are not aware of it and if steps are not taken to correct it, it can lead to discrimination, even at a young age.
Diversity is very important for teachers because if a teacher does not support diversity then she isn't truly a teacher. You can't be racist, or discriminate against any students as a teacher because you have to be there for each and every one of them, no matter what!


  1. Kimmy, I really like what you wrote. Diversity is very important for teachers! It helps the students learn in many different learning styles.

  2. wow - One of my favorite parts of the reading was the metaphor about how America is like a kaleidoscope.. I also really like your image that interprets the importance of diversity.
    wonder - I wonder how schools in the future will incorporate ideas and practices to encourage the acceptance of diversity?
