Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Our Brains on Video Games

My thoughts on video games before research:

I believe video games have no direct correlation with making a person smarter or not. I do think video games take some skills and teach children things like reaction time and hand and eye coordination and goal setting. After sitting in front of a TV or computer screen for a while the video games could harm a child and cause inappropriate thoughts, for example wanting to shoot someone or developing anger problems. So, video games are good for children to a certain extent but after sitting inside in front of a screen for a certain amount of time a child needs to put the video games down and do something a little more productive.


My thoughts on video games after research: 

After watching a video about gaming I learned that video games improve academic achievements and raise IQ's. Games are engaging and motivating. Gaming gives children positive reinforcement when they make it to the next level, win, or do good. Instead of being opposed to games we should get into the games with our kids and stop fighting the game trend. My thoughts previously about games bringing violence into children's life and it teaching them bad things has changed a little bit. Violent games do not make kids violent; if they are exposed to violence in their lives then play violent games it may bring the violence out inside of them. Although, in general violent games will not make a child violent or want to go out and kill people.

Overall, I believe that video games do not directly make an individual smarter. I do think video games have some good qualities and can better an individual but I do not necessarily think schools should teach students through video games. Video games in classrooms on occasion are a great thing and students would definitely love it but not teaching only through video games. I believe this because video games can be distracting and can cause kids to become glued to a tv/ computer screen. From personal experience I know that games are distracting and when you're in the middle of a game there's not much else you want to do other than keep playing it. A problem with video games in the 21st century is that children are choosing to stay inside playing games instead of wanting to go outside and play. The more people play video games the less they might want to have a real life and the more they'll want to stay in front of the screen. 

1 comment:

  1. I find your view very interesting because I had not considered children choosing video games over playing tag outside. I can see where you are coming from and would like to see research on that.
