Sunday, February 22, 2015

Amplifying Human Potential

Computers, along with all other technology, have completely revolutionized the way people learn. A computer allows students to be creative and have fun learning while providing them with the skills they will need for their entire lives.
All technology allows students to be creative but computers give people the opportunity to do just about anything. Websites like Picasso Pic Art allows students to express themselves through art and come up with things they probably never would’ve without a little help. Even things like online video games can help a child become more creative. Students can now beat levels and achieve their goals on video games while they’re learning. It’s even possible for a kid to build his or her own video game now, which takes an extreme amount of creativity. Not only are there many websites that bring out a student’s creativity, but anything is better then sitting at a desk writing things down while a teacher is lecturing. Computers give students a break throughout the day and are actually something they want to use. The opportunities on computers are endless.

Thankfully, there are some great websites that provoke learning through fun games. No matter what the subject, there is a website or game out there that makes a student use their brains and think without students even knowing. Whether it’s an online game that makes you answer a math question to level up, or a video lecturing students on a certain subject. It’s the 21st century, student’s love learning in any way other than textbooks and lecturing. The computer gives that opportunity, to learn while having fun and a child will definitely learn better if they are engaged and active in something they truly enjoy.
When children today become adults they will have different lives than previous children. When children now become adults they will have different jobs, some we may have never even heard of, like a web developer or a computer network architect. Computers and technology are what they will need for their whole lives and careers. All children will need to know how to use technology efficiently, so it’s important they use this technology when they’re young. Computers are something students will need, throughout their lives, and it’s the teacher’s job to teach them computer skills at an early age. This will ensure a successful future in whatever high tech job they may pursue.
Computers have completely changed the world and amplified human potential in every way, shape, and form. People don’t realize how important computers are because, even a few years ago, they weren’t as vital as they are today. Computers are children’s future, a fun and creative way to learn, that teaches skills a child will need for their entire life. It is up to teachers to incorporate the efficient and intellectual machine into the classroom to help students eventually pursue what they want to.


  1. I agree that computers are not going anywhere anytime soon and these are great example of how they help us efficiently.

  2. wow: I like how you said that students love learning in any way other than textbooks and lecturing, because I definitely agree with that, haha!
    wonder: I wonder what different technological advances will happen within the next ten years, that may even change education more than the computer did.
