Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Project Based Learning

Three important things I learned from the reading are that PBL's came from a strong foundation of strategies and doctors, they're framed with open-ended questions, and it puts teachers in the role of facilitator rather than classroom expert but the most important thing I learned is students are challenged to solve problems or do simulations that mimic real life and this allows them to require thinking outside of the box and learning hands on. 
*open ended questions*

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

UDL Book

WebQuest About WebQuest

The Altitudinist-  Higher level thinking is everything to you. There's too much emphasis on factual recall in schools today. The only justification for bringing technology into schools is if it opens up the possibility that students will have to analyze information, synthesize multiple perspectives, and take a stance on the merits of something. You also value sites that allow for some creative expression on the part of the learner.

___Efficiency Expert
   X  Altitudinist
Your Impressions
Grow School Greens
 Very thorough and explains a lot. Has 5 different jobs and requires students to work together through a long process to get the task done.

 Has a lot of steps and requirements for grades K-2 to do. The kids would probably lose interest after a short period of the project.

Where is My Hero?
 Good topic and allows them to interview a person and requires them to think outside the box. Steps are easy to follow and easy to understand.

 Students may not take it seriously and say their  hero is themselves, animal, etc. Some students may also not have people to interview.

Underground Railroad
 Allows students to think creatively and put themselves in other peoples shoes.

 12 steps is a lot for elementary school students to follow, they may lose interest.

Ice Cream

 Fun, easy experiment that takes a lot of thought and creativity. Making a flow chart about ice cream would be an easy way for students to practice flow charts.
 It doesn't require a lot of thinking or learning. It would be a fun activity but maybe not for English class.


Our group decided anonymously that the Ice Cream WebQuest and Where is my Hero WebQuest fit elementary school students the best. They were short, creative activities that went outside of the norm and allowed students to think outside of the box and have fun while thinking creatively. The Underground Railroad WebQuest was very time consuming and was over to long of a time period, I do not believe it was elementary age appropriate.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Power of WebQuests

Three important ideas/things from the reading today are webquests are 

  1. activities that can get students interacted, 
  2. there's different levels of support that can be added or removed to fit every child to help them learn, 
  3. webquests inspire students to see richer thematic relationships, 

but the most important thing I learned is that when teachers facilitate well designed webquests we all benefit from them because they gain in-process professional development. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Songs Carry Meaning

I Hope by Dixie Chicks.
This song mainly talks about peace and war and about children watching and repeating what their elders do. This is important in diversity because just like in the reading Precious Children, children not only repeat what you say and do but they feed off of it too. Being silent about diversity and encouraging kids not to talk about it just makes them think that it's unacceptable to be diverse and different, but it's not. The song is wanting better for their children, "they put their trust in us, they're gonna be like us," the lyrics say. According to the article Precious Children, "Remember what you do is as important as what you say." Adults have to show kids that diversity is a good thing and isn't a bad thing. Everyone is diverse in their own way, and without diversity the world wouldn't be the same. This is important in classrooms because as a teacher children follow your lead and do what you do. You have to be completely open to diversity and show children how to contrast the stereotypes and see diversity as creative, like it is.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Diversity In The Classroom

Diversity is a touchy subject for some people, it makes them uncomfortable and nervous just by talking about it, but we should be able to openly talk about diversity because it's a very important issue in today's world. Diversity in groups enhances creativity and performance. So therefore, it enhances creativity and performance in classrooms also. Studies prove that in large corporations and in small groups, diversity leads to greater performance. I believe diversity does the same thing in classrooms, enhances performance and creativity. It allows students to work better together and use their imagination. Diversity in classrooms is vital, for students and teachers. Teachers have to be open to diversity, just like students do because it allows for so many opportunities and rewards. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

How Diversity Makes Us Smarter

Three important ideas/things from the reading today are
  • even mentioning diversity can lead to anxiety and conflict, it's a touchy subject,
  • diversity enhances creativity,
  • and diversity can lead to enhanced financial performance,
but the most important thing I learned today is typically, in the presence of diversity people are more diligent and open-minded.

Valuing Diversity

Three important ideas/things from the reading today are
  1. diversity extends far beyond race and culture
  2. a metaphor for our country is a kaleidoscope because it keeps changing through interaction but maintains its basic characteristics
  3. valuing diversity recognizes that people are different and are okay with that

  • but the most important thing I learned today is that prejudices are dangerous because if people are not aware of it and if steps are not taken to correct it, it can lead to discrimination, even at a young age.
Diversity is very important for teachers because if a teacher does not support diversity then she isn't truly a teacher. You can't be racist, or discriminate against any students as a teacher because you have to be there for each and every one of them, no matter what!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Reading Instruction For All Students

Three important ideas/things for the reading today are:

  • there's a decline in reading among young adults
  • teachers need to engage and motivate their students to read
  • students of all ages need to be prepared to read complex texts effectively 

But the most important thing I learned from the reading is that reading research shows that educational policy needs to include professional development opportunities that enable teachers to match instructional approaches to diverse student needs. Every student learns and reads differently.

One way my UDL book might support reading instruction for all students is because UDL's read the words to the students to ensure proper pronunciation and then I could ask them to think aloud while reading, this could also help the students.

Reading: Reading Instruction For All Students