Thursday, January 29, 2015

Is Texting Making Us Bad Writers?

My stance on Texting:

Many people wonder if texting affects our writing, does it? When writing a paper or speaking we are aware of our surroundings and aware that we are not texting, therefore we do not say things like "LOL" aloud, we simply laugh. When texting, people shorten sentences and phrases mainly because they can, that's the point of texting. Texting is informal and not important, it is simply a quick and easy way of communicating. Unless you are out of it and not fully paying attention when writing then you will not actually write how you text. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe that children or teens should have their phones in their hands 24/7 but I do believe there's some great qualities of texting and that it helps one express themselves. Look at the little girl shown above, do you see the joy in her eyes? That's what technology and texting does for children, brings new and fun ways of learning into their life. It doesn't make them bad writers it makes them normal children in the 21st century and that is it. Below are some good and bad facts about texting that was stated in the article Can Texting Help with Spelling.

Did you know that:

  • The average American teen texts 130 times a day? 
  • Texting helps students read. A British study Published in the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning found a positive correlation between texting and literacy, concluding that texting was "actually driving the development of phonological awareness and reading skill in children" 
  • Students change how they spell according to the circumstance and their audience. Meaning they know when to abbreviate words and use slang and when to properly write. 
  • The Oxford English Dictionary added "OMG" last year?

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Integrating Technology Into the Classroom

About Me:

Hi guys, I'm Kimberly Woods, but you can call me Kimmy. I'm from Fairmont and now attending Fairmont State University. I am pursuing a career in Elementary Education and can't wait for the day I have a whole class full of little 1st or 2nd graders!

Teachers should use technology to support learning in schools as a fun and alternative way of learning. Each child learns differently, and technology makes it possible for every child to learn and memorize things in their own way. According to Education Needs a Digital Upgrade, "As Ms. Davidson puts it: 'Pundits may be asking if the internet is bad for children's mental development, but the better question is whether the form of learning and knowledge-making we are instilling in our children's future is useful to their future.'" I would have to agree, the world is changing and jobs are evolving. Students need to start learning through applications on ipads, through educational films that keep them interested, with power points, smart boards, and on the Web. Children can only sit in their seats reading textbooks and learning definitions for so long. If we really want them to succeed and to learn then we need to present them with ways of learning that they will look forward to and be excited about. 

Love this video. Teaching is about more than children learning to read and write. It's about them learning everyday things that they'll use for the rest of their lives. 

I believe anybody is capable of doing anything. As a future educator I will make sure my students know they can do anything if they put their minds to it! "Aim for the Stars" 

Some people do not agree with the new era of technology and learning. Here's a good article on some different opinions about 21st Century Learning.